2022-2023 Tentative Budget
View the 2022-2023 Tentative Budget HERE
The Budget Public Hearing will take place on Tuesday April 12, 2022 at 6:00 PM.
Tentative Budget Summary
In this budget, the proposed property tax rate falls from $3.15 to $3.10 per 1000 assessed value. This budget also takes into consideration increasing efficiency and productivity with our staff, while keeping costs in line.
Salaries have been calculated with a 2% increase per the Union contract. (Each 1% is approximately $8,400) Included in this budget is another full-time certified WWTP operator and the replacement of the DPW Superintendent.
Major fundamental changes for PBZ- Budget includes bringing two employees to full-time, digitizing records and records retention and using the Municity software to its fullest.
Mayor's salary is proposed to increase from $17,600 to $20,000, and Trustees from $7,150 to $10,000 per year. Future increases will match the union negotiated percentages.
-Anticipated revenue from interest and earnings has been decreased due to the continued low interest rate forecast.
-NYS Quarterly Sales tax is increased by $15,683 as revenues have and are expected to
-Increase activity and an increase in the rate allows the Town/ School patrol line items to
increase by $17,374 together
-Building Permit/renovations line item increased by $10,000 due to an increase in building
-Court activity is increasing- Fines & Fees has been increased from $30,000 to $45,000
due to the backlog from Covid and the use of a Special Prosecutor
-NYS aid (AIM) will remain the same for this year $14,328
-Added anticipated revenue for EV charging stations $8,500
-Allocate Fund Balance for Comprehensive Plan for $50,000
-Environmental/Climate line items rearranged to budget for EV charging station management and maintenance.
-Climate education workshops $2,500 and continue the Compost pilot started this year.
-PBZ major changes are to staffing with combined department budgets going from $ 87,461 to $103,180.
-Special Prosecutor line item has been added to Court for $10,000 as well as deducted from Police salaries.
-A new Police vehicle will be added to the fleet. This line replaces a Lease paid off last year.
-Fire Department only increase is for insurance, otherwise held the line on their budget and reduced transfer to CAP FIRE from $70,000 to $60,000.
-Highway Department added $10,000 to potholes and in Snow Removal, $2,500 for the possible use of brine.
-Added is a new set of line items (8745.4) Flood & Erosion Control for inspection of Asher Dam ($10,500) and Landmans Kill monitoring ($500)
WATER- We are still waiting for a full review of the water rate study done by Tighe & Bond. For this year, a proposed rate increase from $6.00 per 1000 gallons used to $7.00 per 1000 gallons use has been calculated in the anticipated revenue. Expenses have increased $11,032 from last year. We have applied for a grant for a Water System Upgrade.
SEWER- Sewer revenue is calculated with the use of $65,000 Fund Balance (Fund Balance is $805,548) A full evaluation of rates will be conducted when we know what the capital project will be. This budget included the addition of an additional certified WWTP Operator, with full benefits. Sludge Hauling line item has increased from $35,000 to $56,000. The engineer line item increased to include a $45,000 design to prioritize capital projects for a grant application. We will apply for a grant for Sewer System upgrades and have been awarded a 0% interest loan from NYS EFC.