Request for Proposals



1 Project Overview

1.1 Project Goals and Background

The Village of Rhinebeck seeks to identify a qualified contractor to restripe a portion of their municipal parking lot located at 61 East Market Street, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 with a code compliant ADA configuration. This project is in alignment with the Village’s objective of improving ADA accessibility at this municipal parking lot.

1.2 Project Description

The Village of Rhinebeck, through this RFP, intends to engage a qualified Contractor to be
responsible for all aspects of constructing and managing this project.

1.3 Scope of Work

Restripe and install the correct signage in the specified portion of the parking lot to comply with 2010 ADA Standards, NYS Building Code, and NYS Law requirements for ADA
accessibility consistent with the drawing entitled Proposed ADA/EV Parking Layout, revised
May 21,2021. The drawing is provided upon request.

Contractor will notify Dig Safely NY before conducting any work below the pavement
surface. Remove existing markings in areas to be restriped and prepare the surface by
removing all loose debris. Notify Tighe & Bond of any utilities identified during the
preparation phase. Stripe the portion of the parking lot according to the configuration
detailed in the provided plan entitled, Proposed ADA/EV Parking Layout, revised May 21,
2021. Obtain and install signage (as shown in the Drawing).

Remove all construction-related materials and debris in strict accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws. Maintain public access to and use of parking areas not within the project limits. Ensure public right-of-ways are cleared and unobstructed at the end of each day. Restore all areas disturbed by the contractor in performing the work.

1.4 Insurance

The contractor selected will need to provide evidence of worker’s compensation and general liability insurance satisfactory to the Village.

2 Proposal Process and Submission Information

2.1 Submission Deadline and Instructions

Proposals from respondents, as required in accordance with all terms and specifications
contained herein, will be received until 5:00 PM, September 24, 2021. Proposals shall
include both the cost and schedule for completion of the work. Proposals shall be sent to:

Tighe & Bond
Attn: Rachel Lewis
(845) 516-5640
47 W Market St, Suite 2
Rhinebeck, NY 12572


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