Police Reform Public Hearing & Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, March 9th, 2021 6:00 PM

This meeting will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams. To access the meeting, please contact the Village Clerk at: mmcclinton@villageofrhinebeckny.gov or click on the link here: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YjMxNDlmNDUtM2FkNy00ODZiLWJjZWYtYmNjYzI5YTJlZWFl%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22f3575104-6844-4a8a-8ca4-b0e3d3f619ed%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22a12140c1-6def-426a-80a6-b17a6cbbd643%22%7d

Written comments may be submitted ahead of time to: media.admin@villageofrhinebeckny.gov

 All meeting related documents can be found here: https://vrhinebeck-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/mmcclinton_villageofrhinebeckny_gov/ErYJP6poCCFMpDUu8FfhEXwBrg_RuVblbioQZ6ADQ7A31Q?e=k1kkrT


1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Remarks from Congressman Antonio Delgado

3. Police Reform Public Hearing

          A. Final Draft Report Presented by Committee Member Debi Duke

4. Public Comment

5. Outdoor Dining Update

6. County Update from Brennan Kearney

7. CVS Courtyard

8. Special Request

          A. Dutchess County Fairgrounds

          B. Music on Market

9. Minutes Approval- 1/12/21, 1/15/21, 2/9/21, 2/23/21, 3/2/21, 3/4/21

10. Treasurer’s Report

11. Department Reports  

          A. Police

          B. Building/Planning/Zoning

          C. Highway Department

          D. Water Department

          E. Wastewater Department 

          F. Environmental

12. Committee Reports   

          A. Tree Committee

          B. Climate Smart Committee

13. Personnel

          A. March Anniversaries

                    1. Court Clerk Tricia Giacalone - 14 years

                    2. Chief Wastewater Plant Operator Brian Baccomo - 5 years

                    3. Wastewater Plant Operator Scott Rathjen - 5 years

                    4. Village Clerk Martina McClinton - 1 year

14. Executive Session

15. Adjourn

            Correspondence: all on file in the Clerk’s office


Outdoor Dining Public Comment


Village of Rhinebeck Police Reform Committee Draft Report