Budget Public Hearing & Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, April 12th, 2022

6:00 PM

All meeting related documents can be found here: https://vrhinebeck-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/mmcclinton_villageofrhinebeckny_gov/ErYJP6poCCFMpDUu8FfhEXwBrg_RuVblbioQZ6ADQ7A31Q?e=k1kkrT


1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Public Comment

3. Budget Public Hearing

4. Recognize Colton Johnson for 30 Years of Service to the ZBA

5. Rhinebeck Village and Town Hall Space Survey

6. Outdoor Dining Discussion

7. 5G Small Wireless Facilities

          A. SEQR Review

          B. Resolution

8. 2022 MIG Grant Proposals

          A. Village Hall Sidewalk

          B. Police Computers

          C. Fire Dept Equipment

9. PD & Fire Communications Tower Bond Resolution

10. Wastewater Pickup Truck Purchase

11. Workers Comp Policy Renewal

12. Comprehensive Plan Committee Member Appointment

13. Approve Surplus Items for Auction

14. Reschedule May Board of Trustees Meeting

15. 30 Day Waiver for Liquor License

16. Sensory Safe Space on Event Application

17. Vacation Buyout Request

18. Appoint Superintendent of Public Works

19. Special Requests

          A. Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride

          B. Porchfest

          C. Memorial Day Parade

          D. De-escalation Training

          E. High School Graduation Banners

          F. Rhinebeck CSD & ENTA

20. Minutes Approval- 3/8/22, 4/5/22

21. Treasurer’s Report

22. Department Reports  

          A. Police

          B. Building/Planning/Zoning

          C. Highway Department

          D. Water Department

          E. Wastewater Department  

          F. Environmental  

          G. Fire Department

23. Committees

          A. Tree Commission Presentation

24. Executive Session

25. Adjourn


Correspondence: all on file in the Clerk’s office


Frost Memorial Fund to Enable Spring Tree Beautification Project on E. Market


Village of Rhinebeck 2022-2023 Budget Public Hearing