Community Police Reform Public Forums

Please Take Notice

Members of the Village Police Reform Committee invite community members to participate in one or more the following listening sessions:


Monday, February 8th 10-11 a.m.  

Meeting ID: 96067003551     Passcode: 610966


Wednesday, February 10th 3-4 p.m.

Meeting ID: 97819780434      Passcode: 592271


Thursday, February 18th 7-8 p.m.

Meeting ID: 99368405214      Passcode: 182087


(A Spanish-language forum will be announced soon.)


During the forums we are interested in:


·   Your experiences with the Village of Rhinebeck police.

·   Specific concerns related to policing and public safety in the Village.

·   Specific ideas for improving policing and public safety in the Village.


We want to hear from those who work in the Village of Rhinebeck or visit regularly; you need not be a resident of the Village to participate. Please note that this is a listening session; committee members will not respond to statements or answer questions. Simultaneous interpretation in America Sign Language (ASL) will be provided by Mid-Hudson Interpreter Services at Taconic Resources for Independence.


Jen Drake, a Village resident, will moderate the forums along with colleagues from the Dutchess County Commission on Human Rights.


Why forums? The Rhinebeck Village Police patrol the Village 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. seven days a week. They also act as school resource officers and occasionally patrol the Town of Rhinebeck and the Hamlet of Rhinecliff. A clerk is on duty at police headquarters on Center Street Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. These forums are focused only on our Village police, not the Dutchess County Sheriff’s department or state police.


The Policing Reform Committee is a response to recent nationwide discussion about the role of police and Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order 203 requiring municipalities with police agencies to create reform plans. The Village is part of a county-wide collaborative process reviewing research, best practices, and community feedback to create a countywide plan. Since the Village is creating its own plan, the committee wants to be sure it reflects our community’s views."


Projected results. The forums will be recorded for use by the committee but will not be made public. The input received, along with survey results (please complete it here, if you haven’t already done so), will result in a reform proposal to be presented to the community in March and then submitted to the state as required by the governor’s executive order.



Community Police Reform Committee


Snow Removal of Sidewalks & Fire Hydrants


Village Hall Closed