Comprehensive Plan Committee Meeting Agenda
LOCATION: Village Hall, Rhinebeck
DATE: January 26, 2023
TIME: 7 – 9 PM
Note that thanks to the recent adoption of new Village rules for virtual meetings, we are able to offer a
Microsoft Teams option to attend virtually for main committee members who cannot attend in person.
However, please do attend in person if at all possible.
1. Welcome (7:00-7:03 pm)
2. Approval of December 8, 2022 Minutes (7:03-7:05 pm)
3. Reflections on Survey Process (7:05-7:25 pm)
4. Reports by Subcommittees (7:25-8:45 pm)
a. Land Use
b. Housing
5. February 25th Workshop (8:45-8:55 pm)
a. Draft Recommendations/Discussion of Outstanding Issues
6. Other Business (8:55-9:00 pm)
7. Adjourn