Expanded Outdoor Seating Approved

After months of planning and coordination with Village residents and businesses, Dutchess County, and the NYS Department of Transportation, the Village of Rhinebeck is pleased to announce that we have been approved for expanded outdoor dining. See attached map.

The plan is similar to what we did last summer and fall, but with a few changes made in response to community input. Most importantly,

  • all restaurants and retailers have to maintain a 5-foot pedestrian thruway on the sidewalk, and

  • parallel parking will be allowed on the south side of E. Market Street between Pete's Famous Diner and Winter Sun Summer Moon.

The Village has always said that we will do our best to bring safe opportunities to our community for gathering, and this effort is of paramount importance to that goal. More villagers and visitors will be able to take advantage of our dining and retail opportunities due to the opening of the sidewalks and streets to business activities. And all while remaining safely distanced as required by health experts.

We know that Governor Cuomo has lifted all occupancy restrictions as of May 19 for indoor dining. However, he has lifted restrictions with the stipulation that social distancing must still be enforced. None of our restaurants are capable of being at full capacity while still enforcing social distancing measures, so this expanded dining opportunity remains important to their long-term viability.

Further, as of this writing, Dutchess County reports that only 48% of our population has received one dose, while only 37% of our population is fully inoculated. Given that experts expect higher levels will be required to achieve herd immunity, the Village Government remains concerned for our collective safety, and providing increased opportunities for outdoor gathering balances our goal to have our community begin to "return to normal" safely.

Given the frequent changes in guidance from the CDC and NYS, we will do our best to respond appropriately. Updates and announcements can always be found on the Village website. We continue to ask for your patience while we balance everyone's safety with our community's desires and economic viability.

In partnership with Dutchess County, we will be installing the barriers tomorrow (Friday, May 7). Parking and some vehicular traffic will be restricted along all relevant areas starting at 7am. Please abide by posted signs.


Mayor Gary Basset and the Village of Rhinebeck Board of Trustees


No Parking & Road Closure Friday May 7, 2021


Mayor’s Message for May 2021