Community Survey

The Comprehensive Plan Committee wants to hear from you! 


Over the course of the last year, hundreds of your neighbors and fellow Rhinebeckers have contributed to subcommittees, open mic dialogs, and kitchen table conversations to offer their ideas and key concerns regarding the future of Rhinebeck village. To be sure we hear from as many of the people and communities that make Rhinebeck special, please take the time to fill out Part 1 of our Community Survey about what's most important to you. If you're inspired to tell us more, dig into Part 2 that includes even more detailed questions about what our future might look like. 


Community Survey:
En Espanol?


Please fill out the survey by January 15th and share it with your friends and neighbors so we can hear from them, too!


Thank you!

The Village of Rhinebeck Comprehensive Plan Committee


Comprehensive Plan Meeting Agenda


Planning Board Meeting Agenda