Mayors & Supervisors Update Call

Updated List of Permissible Activities

• Socially Distant Religious Services - At drive-in movie theaters and in parking lots

• Municipal Libraries - Including curb-side and internet access

• Retail Businesses Delivery - Including parking lot/car deliveries

• Equine - Individual riding, instruction and therapy

• Hunting & Fishing Clubs - Low-risk recreation

• Landscaping - Now including gardening and horticulture

• Acupuncture - When prescribed by Medical Professional

• Pet Grooming - When essential to the health & wellbeing of the animal

• Auto Maintenance - No longer just repairs

• Non-motorized Boating - Use and rental

• Golf Courses and Driving Ranges - Not mini golf

Note: All activities should follow proper social distancing, cleaning and sanitation, and face covering guidelines.

Retail Operations

According to Executive Order 202, updated May 16th, “essential retail” includes the following guidance, “in regions that are not within the first phase of the state's regional reopening plan, delivery for orders placed remotely via phone or online at non-essential retail establishments; provided, however, that only one employee is physically present at the business location to fulfill orders.” We believe having one employee working in certain businesses may violate the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), and where an owner is not considered an employee, it should be acceptable to have them both inside fulfilling orders so long as they can maintain social distancing, and are provided with appropriate personal protection equipment. The facility must also be cleaned and disinfected in accordance with CDC guidelines (see below). Furthermore, “delivery” is not defined, so in the absence of additional guidance, we believe delivery to the home, the parking lot of the business or customer vehicle is acceptable so long as there is a contactless order and delivery process.

Please know, the governor's executive orders and guidance can change at any time, and facilities should check with their insurance companies to confirm coverage. Additionally, please practice the following no matter what you do or where you go:

Memorial Day Activities

A convoy of county, police, fire and local municipality vehicles will traverse Dutchess County (see attached map) as part of this year’s Memorial Day celebrations on Monday, May 25th. Residents are asked to please not gather in large group settings to watch the Memorial Day Convoy. To show support, residents are instead encouraged hang American flags along the convoy’s route. For those families who live along the route, children are encouraged to paint and draw flags to be displayed in their windows, or on driveways. For more information, contact Dutchess County Division of Veterans Services at (845) 486-2060.

In Rem Foreclosure Process Update

A letter will be sent to all outstanding property taxpayers notifying that the County’s auction is postponed at this time and explains the land disposition policy meaning that property owners can both live in their homes and pay their tax bill until the day of the auction which will be at a future date to be determined. We acknowledges the current circumstances related to COVID and will to continue working closely with property owners to complete payments and avoid further interest and penalties.

NY Forward

Information on NY Forward can be found HERE, including metrics for reopening, regional monitoring dashboard, and industries reopening by phase.

FEMA Applicant Briefing

NYS Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services will be hosting applicant briefing this week and next. Please see the attachment with more information.


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Update from Rhinebeck Responds on COVID-19 Teamwork