Mayor’s Message for February 2021

We are all waiting for better news on the availability and scheduling of vaccines for COVID-19.

The demand has far exceeded the supply of vaccinations.  However, that is beginning to change as the federal government ramps up production and distribution of the vaccine.

Governor Cuomo just informed us that not only is the state going to receive 16-17 percent more doses of vaccine, but the federal government is now providing the states with an accurate schedule of deliveries 3 weeks in advance. Up until now, across the state, and here in Dutchess County, officials have been operating week to week, which has created shortages, bottlenecks, and cancellations. If local officials know how much vaccine is being delivered, they can schedule appointments more efficiently.  Dutchess County officials have the system in place, and soon will be able to use it to get more shots in people’s arms. Then, as supplies increase even more, appointments will open up.

We encourage you to check for updates on appointments at the County-operated PODs, when more vaccines are made available to Dutchess County. You can also sign up to receive emails about Coronavirus Information & Vaccine Updates by using the blue button at

This crisis is far from over, and now we are in grip of cold winter weather, so frustration with the lockdowns and shortage of vaccine appointments are taking their toll on all of us. Officials are asking for patience, and promising that the situation is improving. In the meantime, it is urgent that we all continue to take precautions against catching COVID 19, including wearing masks in public places, social distancing, and hand washing.

The Village of Rhinebeck Police Reform Committee would love to hear from people who live and work and visit in our community, as we review local police policies and procedures following a NY State directive. The Village of Rhinebeck Police Reform Committee, which is a collaboration between the Mayor’s office, the Village Police Department, concerned citizens, and officials from Dutchess County, developed a survey, and we would greatly appreciate it if you would share your views in the link below. Please answer all questions based upon your experiences with the Village of Rhinebeck Police Department. All answers are STRICTLY ANONYMOUS.

The Committee is also inviting community members to participate in one or more of the following community forums. These sessions will be held on:

●       Monday, February 8, 10-11 a.m.

●       Wednesday, February 10, 3-4 p.m.

●       Thursday, February 18, 7-8 p.m.

We are interested in your reactions to the following questions:

●       What is your experience with the Village of Rhinebeck police?

●       What are your specific concerns related to policing and public safety in the Village?

●       What are your specific ideas for improving policing and public safety in the Village?

We want to hear from you and you do not need to be a resident of the Village to participate. Please note that these will be listening sessions only.

The Village Board voted to approve a feasibility study for a Green Infrastructure Grant opportunity. The feasibility study, developed by Tighe and Bond, will propose nature-based solutions to treat stormwater run-off into the Landsman Kill along South Parsonage St., including permeable pavement, street trees and bioretention plantings. In addition to demonstrating these latest green infrastructure techniques in a highly visible public area, the design would improve pedestrian safety with added sidewalks. The area of focus is not only a connector between the north and south sides of the Village, but it serves as the heavily traveled route to our schools. This project would represent a lovely greening of the streetscape approaching the Lions Mini Park. In total, the proposal would convert about a quarter of an acre of paved surface area to green or permeable surfaces. The grant offers a 75% match for design and construction. Stay tuned for public input sessions, the Village Board will want to gather your feedback.

After several months of discussion led by Trustee Bertozzi, the Village board adopted a formal “Environmental Procurement Policy”. This policy will guide our selection of products and services which are more environmentally friendly.

In fact, you might have noticed something different on Village roads in advance of the latest snow storm. This was a real life test of our pilot program on the use of brine to melt snow on roadways. NY State is also using brine on Route 9 (Montgomery Street) and Route 308 (Market Street). If brine works well in keeping roads safe, we can reduce our use of salt. 

Our Tree Commission is growing! Liaison Ric Lewit reports that adding members will allow this vital organization to do more to protect Rhinebeck’s treasured urban forest.  The Tree Commission is led by Meg Crawford, and currently has 5 members. The plan is to add several new members to step up the work of organizing bi-annual plantings, reviewing applications, as well as managing the inventory. If approved this would necessitate a change in our code with scheduled public hearings to get your input.

The Village planning and zoning department has been restructured with temporary employees. Our priority is to continue to provide regular and reliable service to the public. Ken McLaughlin is serving as Building Inspector, Brian Connolly as Municipal Code Inspector, and Michelle Turck as Code Enforcement Officer. Building and Zoning Clerk Ryan Dowden will be expanding his hours to 10am to 3pm daily. The office will have open call-in hours every week on Thursday from 5pm to 7pm for residents to call the Building Inspector. If you have any questions please call Ryan Dowden, Building and Zoning Clerk at 845-876-1922.

I am happy to announce the promotion of Scott Minn to the position of Highway Supervisor. Scott has been with the Village Highway Department for 25 years.  Along with his skills and knowledge  of our roads, he is an excellent mechanic. Scott works hard not only on the road but keeping our fleet of vehicles running smoothly. We welcome Scott to this new position

And congratulations to Officer Beth Imperato on her 28 years of service to the Village of Rhinebeck Police Department! 

As always, please reach out to me with any questions or comments. You can reach me by phone 845-876-7015 ext 2 at Village Hall or via email to


Mayor Gary Bassett


Village Hall Closed


Virtual Village Town Hall 1/27/2021