Mayor’s Message August 2023

How is it AUGUST already ?!?!  It seems as if summer just started and now we’re looking at the Dutchess County Fair and school starting just around the corner! July brought us record heat, rainfall and flooding. I hope that August will be a calmer, weather month. We still have plenty of time to enjoy the beautiful Rhinebeck summer.

Next year, we will all be able to cool off during hot weather with a new water fountain at the Village of Rhinebeck Mini-park, thanks to the 7th grade civics class at the Bulkeley Middle School. They presented us with a check to cover the cost of a fountain that has 3 pipes, one for drinking water, one a water bottle filler, and a dog bowl! Not only that, this amazing device will be freeze resistant. We will be having a ribbon cutting and will install signs thanking the school, the Village, and the Rhinebeck Science Foundation for this wonderful gift.

At our July meeting, the Village Board heard a presentation about Community Choice Aggregation for the purchase of bulk electrical power. The Mid-Hudson Energy Transition is a plan where municipalities, residents and businesses can own and share renewable energy by aggregating eligible customers into a buying pool. Engage Kingston, a non profit headquartered in Kingston, developed and presented the plan. This could help us create healthier buildings, and join in community wealth-building to strengthen the resilience of the Village in the face of climate change.

We are preparing to replace the 50-year-old oil burning furnace in the basement of Village Hall with a modern efficient heat pump. In order to move the furnace safely, the Board approved a HAZMAT study on the building by AIR Environmental Consultants. That way we can be sure the proper precautions are taken when moving the old furnace out. When the work is done, it will be another big win for the environment.

We now have eight bids for the Center Street road repair and water line replacement project. The details are currently being reviewed by our engineering firm Tighe and Bond, before the Board makes the decision. Our hope is to have the project completed this year. 

The Village board has authorized a letter of intent to be provided to the developer of the proposed Locust Hill workforce housing project, once we have received an escrow check. The letter also authorizes the Village Attorney to prepare an agreement for us to provide water and wastewater services to the 80 unit apartment project. Our engineers had previously determined that we have enough capacity to provide services to the development.

In addition, the Village Board is requesting a resolution from the Town of Rhinebeck Board to create an extraterritorial district, which shall include both Water and Wastewater and hydrants located in the Town. This creates two water districts for billing purposes. The extraterritorial district is not limited to the Locust Hill project but encompasses all territory in the Town that taps into the Village government’s Water and Wastewater system. This will allow us to collect on unpaid water accounts.

The New York Cooperative Liquid Assets Security Service (NYCLASS) is a short term highly liquid cooperative investment fund which serves the public sector. Our Treasurer Karen Mclaughlin has been chosen to monitor the daily NYCLASS transactions in a “read only” capacity. Her professionalism, dedication and thoughtful leadership will be a big benefit to the fund, and all the municipalities who invest.  This means the Village of Rhinebeck is a “Lead Participant” and will receive a yearly stipend to cover the time Karen spends.

The Village of Rhinebeck Fire Department has welcomed new member David Feeney to the team!

Congratulations to Danielle Rector, Police Clerk, who is celebrating 14 years with the Village Police Department  and to Joe Zipp for two years as a Highway Laborer! Thank you both!

As always, please reach out to me with any questions or comments. You can reach me by phone 845-876-7015 ext 2 at Village Hall or via email

Mayor Gary Bassett


Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda


Planning Board Meeting Agenda