Mayor’s Message July 2024

I hope everyone had a wonderful Fourth of July. It is important every year, as we celebrate the Fourth, to remember the words that form the bedrock of our democracy: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” We owe a great debt to all the men and women who have given and continue to give service in protecting our democracy.

Rhinebeck Village is re-certified bronze! We now have 232 points towards our goal for 300 for silver in the NY State Climate Smart Communities program!. As part of this certification round, 23 other local governments are being recognized for taking action to mitigate and adapt to climate change.  

 Below is the link to the state’s press release regarding the most recent round of certified Climate SmartCommunities. DEC Press release

The Center St. Water Main project and Village Accessibility projects are finally completed. The combined projects included improvements to water mains, drainage, sidewalks and paving, paid for in part by multiple grants and ARPA (America Rescue Plan Act) . We are committed to continuing improvements to our water, drainage and roads.

We also have ongoing projects to upgrade our Water Treatment Plant and Wastewater Facility. 

The water treatment plant which was previously awarded an EFC grant for $3.0M and a loan for $3,456,000 is currently waiting on design approval from the NYS Dept of Health.  When approved we will be able to go out to bid, with the goal of starting construction in November.

Scope: Water Treatment Plant TOTAL COST: $6,456,000

• Site Work - Demolition, process piping, and paving

• Abatement Work - Asbestos removal.

• Epoxy Floor Coating - WTP main floor

• Potassium Permanganate Station – Complete Replacement

• Flocculator Improvements - New mixers and baffles

• Pump Upgrades

• Raw Water Pumps –VFDs and priming system

• Backwash Pumps –VFDs

• Distribution Pumps – Complete replacement

• Existing Trident System – Sandblast and re-coat, new valves, mechanical components, and controls, new blowers

• New Trident System – Complete units

• New Trident Building – Structural, architectural, electrical, and HVAC

• Disinfection – New ultraviolet disinfection units

• SCADA & Controls Upgrades – Software & instrumentation

• Electrical – New service, panels, conduits, and conductors

• WTP Barn – Concrete slab, curb, siding, and roof

• Violet Hill Pump Station – New distribution pumps

• Hilee Rd Water Storage Tank – Mixing unit

The Wastewater plant is also getting a major redesign, plus replacement of outdated systems. Currently the Village has a 0% loan for two years and has reapplied for a state grant for $3.5M as of June 24th. Once the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation approves the design, we should be able to start construction in March 2025. 

Scope: Wastewater Plant upgrade TOTAL COST: $3,500,000

• Site Work - Demolition, process piping, and paving

• Headworks

• Mechanical Bar Screen

• Washer Compactor

• Disinfection – New ultraviolet disinfection units

• Sand Filters

• Flow control enhancements with additional valves

• Oxidation Plant Sand Filter

• New Mudwell Pumps

• New Clearwell Pumps

• Extended Aeration Plant Sand Filter

• New Mudwell Pumps

• New Clearwell Pumps

• Extended Aeration Plant – VFDs for blowers

• Electrical – New service, panels, conduits, and conductors

Indiana Jones would be so proud! The Village of Rhinebeck has located some old  Village records, thanks to our Village historian Mike Frazier. The Village of Rhinebeck minutes for the period between 1892 and 1911 were previously missing from the archives at Village Hall. Mike noticed something in a display case at the Museum of Rhinebeck history. It looked to him as if it might be a page from Village ledgers, which had been missing for many years. He and Elizabeth Clark, President of the Museum, confirmed that it was one of the missing pages, from early 1892, and signed by the clerk J.C. McCarty. The two then searched the museum’s records, and voila!!! They found the answer. It turns out that in 1994, the Museum had purchased a historic ledger from an auctioneer for $88.48. How it ever left the Village to get into the hands of the auctioneer remains a mystery. The Museum had taken good care of it for 30 years, it is now in the hands of the Village and is currently getting scanned so that it can eventually be posted on the Village website among the Village's other historical documents. 

The Village board is seeking applicants to create a working group to advise on the creation of the CCA program and selection of the Program Administrator. If interested in joining the team, please submit your request to our Village Clerk, Martina McClinton

Welcome Blake Keesler to the position of Laborer at our Highway Dept. at the starting salary of $20 per hour.  

Please join me in celebration of the anniversaries of some of our cherished employees. - Treasurer Karen McLaughlin - 9 years, Water Plant Operator Tony Fata - 23 years and Highway MEO Tom Johnson- 23 years. Happy Anniversary!

As always, please reach out to me with any questions or comments. You can reach me by phone 845-876-7015 ext 2 at Village Hall or via email


Tree Pruning Workshop


Planning Board Public Hearing 7/16/24