Milestones in NYS Climate Programs

The Village of Rhinebeck is thrilled to announce that it has received re-certification for bronze level participation in the NY State Climate Smart Communities program (CSC) and has also achieved "Advanced" status in the NY State Clean Energy Communities (CEC) program. 

"We use these programs as a framework for climate action," said Trustee Vanessa Bertozzi, who leads the Village's Climate Smart Task Force. "Participation in these programs connects us to a peer-group of other municipalities doing this work. We can learn from each other." 

When documentation is submitted for the CEC program, the Village earns grants at certain thresholds. For instance, the Village just purchased its first electric landscaping equipment with a $5000 grant. After registering that equipment with the CEC program, the Village reached a threshold of 3000 points and unlocked a $50,000 grant to be used on further energy efficiency projects. "The state has 'game-ified' it so it builds on itself," noted Bertozzi.

As for CSC, the Village's Task Force is working on Climate Adaptation planning and a Communitywide Climate Action Plan. This represents the two prongs of climate work: 1) building resiliency in the face of the now inevitable climate impacts and 2) reducing greenhouse gas emissions to do our part to lessen climate change. 

To learn more about what the Village is doing in this area visit .


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