Historic Preservation Grant Presentation

The Village of Rhinebeck was recently awarded one of this year’s Preserve New York (PNY) grants. The grant of $7,875.00 will allow the Village to continue working with Larson Fisher Associates to formally expand the existing historic district boundaries.

In the boundary assessment report, submitted in 2018, the Village received support from the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to expand boundaries in three areas—Oak Street, Platt Avenue and Mill Street at the south end of the Village—which contain approximately 150 properties. A community outreach session has been planned as follows.

Village Hall

October 22, 2019

6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Mayor Gary Bassett will kick-off the meeting followed by Mr. Neil Larson, an Architectural Historian and president of Larson Fisher Associates. Mr. Daniel McEneny is a Coordinator from the NY State Historic Preservation Office and will discuss the Historic Homeownership Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program specific to eligible homeowners of properties designated as historic (Homeowner Tax Credit Program enclosed).


Fall Tree Planting 2019


National DEA TakeBack Day