In Person Board Meetings Resumed


The Village Board of the Village of Rhinebeck will conduct its regular July 13, 2021 meeting in-person, at 6:00 p.m. at the Village Hall, 76 East Market Street, Rhinebeck, New York.

In accordance with the Governor’s previous Executive Orders, issued pursuant to the state of emergency declared on March 7, 2020, this Village Board meeting would have been held remotely via Microsoft Teams.

However, on June 23, 2021, the Governor announced the expiration of the state of emergency as of June 24, 2021, and the immediate revocation of the authority for villages to hold virtual meetings remotely. Accordingly, the Village must immediately revert to its usual in-person meeting practices, and the July 13, 2021 Regular Village Board Meeting will be held in person at the Rhinebeck Village Hall.

The public is invited to attend the meeting in person. There will be no remote virtual access to this meeting. For members of the public who cannot attend this meeting, it will be videotaped by PANDA and posted on Public Access TV Channel 23.

Trustees can participate via video conference as long as a quorum is physically present at the meeting. The trustee’s location will be included in the notice of public meeting.

Mayor Gary Bassett
Village of Rhinebeck


American Rescue Plan Workshop


Planning Board Meeting Schedule