Request for Proposals




The Village of Rhinebeck (“Village”) seeks proposals from qualified professional planning consultants/firms (“Consultant”) to update the Village’s Comprehensive Plan, in accordance with the requirements of the of New York State Village Law. Copies of this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) are available at the Village of Rhinebeck Village Hall, 76 East Market Street, Rhinebeck, NY 12572, between the hours of 9am and 4pm, Monday through Friday, online at, and from the Village Clerk at Proposals are due, as outlined below, by close of business on April 1, 2022.


Village Background and Committee Expectations: The Village was incorporated in 1834 and exists within the Town of Rhinebeck, in northwestern Dutchess County. It covers 1.6 square miles and is home to 2,697 residents (as of the 2020 census). The Village operates a Justice Court, Police Department, Fire Department, and Maintenance Department, as well as Water Treatment and Wastewater Treatment Facilities. It is a Climate Smart Community and has active environmental volunteers working to improve the municipality’s efficiency, resiliency, and health.


The Village, although in a rural area, is a densely developed and populated community and has been throughout its history. The Village is popular with weekenders and second homeowners (mostly from New York City) and has a stable local population that is protective of its historic and economically diverse character. The Village experienced a small population boom during the COVID-19 pandemic with corresponding increases in housing prices and is concerned about the community’s ability to remain economically and socially diverse. The Village is known in the Hudson Valley and beyond for its attractive and popular downtown and is host to many large-scale events at the Dutchess County Fairgrounds. With these dynamics, it has become increasingly challenging to balance commercial uses catering to higher income visitors and newer residents — and their associated impacts, such as on traffic and parking — with the needs of the broader local population. Because Rhinebeck can be seen as a microcosm of the changes affecting the larger region, its new comprehensive plan undoubtedly will become a model for other communities’ plans.


The Village of Rhinebeck last formalized its goals into a written comprehensive plan in 1993, after months of community input. The passage of time as well as increasing pressures on our community — including climate change, land development, housing costs, a previously unthinkable worldwide pandemic, and the need to care for our vulnerable populations — demand that we give the plan fresh consideration. As a result, the Village Board passed a resolution on October 26, 2021, to create the Village of Rhinebeck Comprehensive Plan Committee (the “Committee”). The goal of the 13-member Committee, with several working subcommittees, is to update the comprehensive plan to reflect both current Village conditions as well as the thriving future that the community envisions. The larger the community input to create this plan, the more it will be trusted to form the basis of future decisions concerning the Village’s holistic long-term development.

The Village would expect that any Consultant who responds to this RFP be familiar with rural, dense villages, traditional neighborhood development, nationally recognized historic districts (or at least the importance of historic preservation to the fabric of a community), planning for an environmentally sustainable future (including walkability, bikeability, and the provision of public space), intermunicipal and shared services agreements, and the importance of creativity around diverse housing stock for all income levels. Further, the Committee includes more than one professional planner, and given factors such as elected official turnover, cost concerns, and volunteer fatigue, the Village desires to complete a comprehensive plan update inside twelve (12) months (separate from the zoning code update that will follow). Any Consultant who responds herein is expected to be responsive to such an approach and accountable for the timely production of the final comprehensive plan documents.

The Committee’s process has just begun. Any Consultant who responds herein shall be expected to get to work immediately.


1.     Scope of Services: The Village seeks professional planning services outlined herein.

2.     Term of Contract: The Village shall enter into a one-year contract with the selected Consultant. The contract may be renewed, at the discretion of the Village, for up to two (2) successive additional one-year terms (or up to four [4] additional six-month terms). The Village reserves the right to terminate the contract upon ten (10) days’ written notice.

3.     Contents of Proposals: Each Consultant that wishes to submit a proposal in response to this RFP must submit one (1) printed and signed “original” and five (5) printed copies of the company's proposal and one PDF copy. Submissions are limited to no more than 5 pages (single-sided) inclusive of all cover sheets, dividers, texts, and graphics. Responses to this RFP must be submitted in a format that provides for a straightforward, concise presentation.

4.     Submissions must include at a minimum the following:

a.   A general description of the type of organization (i.e., corporation, partnership, consultant, etc.); number of years in business; size of firm; personnel qualifications and experience.

b.  Organizational chart showing key personnel who will be working with the Village of Rhinebeck.

c.   Résumés of key personnel including educational qualifications and professional experience and accomplishments, specifically on their work relating to creative and innovative planning as it concerns the environment; thriving, economically and socially inclusive village districts; and historic preservation in the State of New York.

d.  Demonstration of ability, experience, and expertise to provide the planning services requested. Candidates are encouraged to include additional services not listed that would be available to the Village. The Village reserves the right to select which services shall be provided on an “as needed” basis.

e.  Details on proposed project approach and fees, any additional services to be provided, and estimated timelines and deliverables.

f.  References for equal scope projects performed during the past five (5) years.

g.  Information on the circumstances and status of any disciplinary action taken or pending against the firm during the past five (5) years with State regulatory bodies or professional organizations.

h.  A copy of any recent peer review(s).

i.  Any resources and/or assistance you will require from the Village or the Committee. Existing Village resources are available on its website and are being collated on the webpage for the Committee:

j.   A description of any innovative methods for communicating to Spanish speakers and people with limited English proficiency, non-traditional work hours, the differently abled, or those unable to attend public meetings in person, as well as the high school and various community-based civic organizations (e.g., farmers market, food pantries, recreation clubs, arts organizations, chamber of commerce, and seniors’ groups).

k.  Examples of your active and successful facilitation and/or mediation of controversial issues being debated as part of a comprehensive plan process.

l.   Any current or recent experience with the Village and how that familiarity could impact (favorably or otherwise) the Committee process.


5.     Rejection of Proposals: The Village of Rhinebeck reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received as it, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate.

6.     Evaluation of Proposals: A subset of the Village of Rhinebeck Comprehensive Plan Committee shall evaluate all RFPs provided and make a recommendation to the Village Board liaison for a selection based upon qualifications provided. Consultants may be asked to participate in a one- hour virtual interview. Final fees will be negotiated with the most qualified firm and shall be based upon a scope of services mutually agreed upon between the Village Board and the selected Consultant.

7.     Deadline: One (1) printed and signed “original” and five (5) printed copies of the company’s proposal and one PDF copy of the written proposal shall be submitted by April 1, 2022. Proposals shall be mailed or delivered to the Village of Rhinebeck Village Clerk via physical mail at: Village of Rhinebeck, 76 East Market Street, Rhinebeck, NY 12572, Attention: Village Clerk or electronic mail at:  All proposals will be time and date stamped, and no proposals received after the deadline shall be considered.

8.     Information: Any questions should be addressed to Village Trustee Lydia Slaby at

Village of Rhinebeck 76 East Market Street, Rhinebeck, NY 12572
Phone: 845-876-7015

9.     Scope of Consultant Services in addition to the above suggestions and requirements:

·       Work with the Committee to create a feasible schedule for meetings, data update and assessment, community outreach, and an updated Comprehensive Plan;

·       Consider creative methods of producing the updated Comprehensive Plan, including an interactive website;

·       Attend meetings of the Board of Trustees and/or Committee and subcommittees when necessary and upon request; and

·       In general: provide the appropriate consulting skills and deliverables necessary for a full update to a Village Comprehensive Plan according to the State of New York and the desires of the Village of Rhinebeck Comprehensive Plan Committee.


2022 Village Election Results


Planning Board Meeting Agenda