Resolution for Reconsideration: Court Consolidation

Please Take Notice

Court Consolidation Update

Since voting to move towards consolidating judicial operations with the Town of Rhinebeck, we have heard from many of you and you are right. It is clear that we need to hear more and continue engaging in the process with residents before taking a final vote. I called a special meeting of the Rhinebeck Village Board to consider a “Resolution for Reconsideration”. That would mean the Board would table the consolidation plan to allow for further input from all the stakeholders.

We are also mindful of the risks of holding an election in the middle of a pandemic. A special election would not only be expensive to Village taxpayers, but it could put poll workers and voters at risk.

I proposed that we form a Village/Town Judicial Task Force to review the proposals in the Laberge Group report on consolidation and work with Judge Sanchez, Judge Kane, and staffers. A series of public forums will allow residents to weigh in on the pros and cons of consolidating the courts.

The Rhinebeck Village Board has approved the “Resolution of Reconsideration Abolishing Village Justice Court” and the Joint Task Force. We look forward to hearing from all of you over the coming months, as we work together to make good policy.

Mayor Gary Bassett


Village Hall Closed for Thanksgiving


Video: Special Village Board of Trustees Meeting