Rhinebeck Historic District Expansion Information

The Rhinebeck Village Board of Trustees would like to inform you that, as of September 23, the New York State Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation Office has expanded the Village Historic District to include Oak Street (and by extension West Chestnut Street), Platt Avenue (and the intersecting blocks of Mulberry and North Parsonage), and Mill Street (including, of note, Legion Park and the Astor Home, which has been individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 1986) (see map below). With this acceptance and approval, the application will go to the National Register for Historic Places for addition to the Federal register.

The process to expand the district began in 2018 when the Board of Trustees learned that the first Rhinebeck schoolhouse on Oak Street was not inside the original boundaries of our historic district. To protect our vulnerable assets, we embarked on this process to expand our historic district and are grateful for the ongoing help and support from the State Historic Preservation Office as we work to preserve the vital assets of our community.


The addition of the expanded district to the State Historic Register opens property owners to a variety of construction tax credits and other financial incentives to protect and maintain the historic fabric of the Village. Please see linked documents below.

However, this approval on the State (and we expect Federal) level does not automatically increase the boundaries of the Village's Historic District Overlay (HDO), as guided by §120-39 of the Village Code. The purpose of our HDO is "to preserve the unique character of the Village and its historic structures, sites,

cultural features, and architectural qualities." Therefore, once the process has been completed at the federal level, the Village Board of Trustees does plan on proposing an amendment to the boundaries and properties of the HDO to include the expanded areas. As described in §120-67 of the Village Code, a process to change the boundaries of the HDO will involve public notice, public hearings, and a fulsome process to hear each citizen of the Village to determine if expanding the HDO is the best path forward for the Village.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Village Trustee Lydia Slaby at trusteeslaby@villageofrhinebeckny.gov.

FOR FULL DETAILS click these links to view or download the PDFs:

  1. Village of Rhinebeck Historic District Expansion Communication

  2. Local and National Register Historic Designations Comparison

  3. National Register Frequently Asked Questions

  4. Rhinebeck Village Historic District Boundary Increase Map

  5. Historic District Boundary Increase Document


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Village Hall Closed for Thanksgiving