Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

Tuesday September 10th, 2024

6:00 PM

All meeting related documents can be found here:

1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Public Comment

3. Treasurer’s Report

4. Resolutions

A. Revision to Locust Hill Agreement

B. Spectrum Agreement Resolution

C. CCA Request for Proposals

D. CEC Police HVAC Resolution

E. Appoint Chief Wastewater Operator

F. Light the Village Pink Proclamation

G. Trustee to Attend Conferences

H. Fire Dept Tires & Rims Bid Opening & Acceptance

I. Holiday Tree Planting Discussion

J. Discuss Local Law Amendment for Signs & Structures Discussion

5. Current Projects

A. Crystal Lake Project Funding

6. Grants

A. Compost DEC  

7. Special Requests

A. Back to School BBQ

B. Halloween Parade

8. Minutes Approval – 8/13/24

9. Committees

          A. Tree Commission

                   1.Tree Removal Request

          B. Climate Smart Task Force               

10. Personnel

          A. Vacation Buyout

1. Employee #21 - 228.25 Hours

B. Anniversaries

           1 .Water Plant Operator Tom Mueller- 2 years

2. Chief Water Plant Operator Bryan Alix- 11 Years

           3. Highway Working Supervisor Scott Minn- 29 years      

11. Adjourn


          Correspondence: all on file in the Clerk’s office


Landsman Kill Bridge DOT Public Hearing


Tree Commission Member Position