Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

Tuesday May 9, 2023

6:00 PM

All meeting related documents can be found here:


1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Presentations (none)

3. Public Comment         

4. Treasurer’s Report

5. Purchase Requests

          A. Line Stop and Insertion Valve

6. Resolutions

          A. Wastewater Plant Engineering Proposal

          B. IMA for Police IT Support

          C. Municipal Bathroom

D. Holiday Tree Lighting

          E. Dutchess County Shared Services Procurement

F. NYCLASS Lead Participant

          G. Appoint New Zoning Board of Appeals Member        

7. Current Projects

          A. Center St

          B. Village Hall Sidewalk

          C. Historic District

          D. Locust Hill

          E.  Compost

                    1. Town Planning Board Update

                    2. Compost Summit Learnings

8. Pending Projects

          A. SoHo Water

          B. Astor Bridge

9. Grants (none)

10. Special Requests 

          A. Music on Market

B. Juneteenth Display

11. Minutes Approval- 3/16/23, 3/20/23, 4/4/23, 4/11/23

12. Committees

          A. Tree Commission

          B. Climate Smart Task Force

          C. Comprehensive Plan 

13. Personnel

          A. Anniversaries

                    1. Superintendent of Public Works Kyle Eighmy- 1 year                  

14. Adjourn                 

          Correspondence: all on file in the Clerk’s office



Board of Trustees Meeting Updated Agenda


Rhinebeck Farmer’s Market 2023