Rescheduled Board of Trustees Public Hearing & Meeting Agenda

Please Take Notice

The Public Hearing to discuss lifting the parking restriction on Livingston St by Terrapin and the Board of Trustees meeting has been rescheduled to Thursday March 16, 2023 at 2:30 PM.

Please see the updated agenda below:

All meeting related documents can be found here:


1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Remove Parking Restriction on Livingston at Terrapin Public Hearing

3. Presentations

4. Public Comment

5. Treasurer’s Report

6. Resolutions

          A. Volunteer Firefighter & EMS Village Tax Exemption

          B. Non Union Employee Performance Evaluations

          C. First Responder Antenna Purchase

D. Approve Fund Balance Transfer for Comprehensive Plan

          E. Approve David Leary to Fire Dept

          F. IMA with Town of Rhinebeck for Compost Facility

          G. Easement for Violet Hill Highway/Compost Access     

 7. Current Projects (updates if applicable)

          A. Water Plant Upgrade

          B. Center St

          C. Village Hall Sidewalk

          D. 6 Mulberry St

          E. Historic District

          F. Locust Hill

          G. Emergency Antenna

          H. Compost

8. Pending Projects

          A. Astor Bridge at Rt 9

          B. Wastewater Plant Upgrade

          C. SoHo Water

          D. Village Hall Flex Tech Design Proposal

          E. Complete Streets/Rt. 9 Corridor

9. Grants

10. Purchase Requests

          A. Labor Attorney Fee Change

          B. Highway Dump Truck Purchase & Surplus Truck #7

          C. NYCOM Annual Meeting Attendance for Mayor & Village Clerk     

11. Special Requests  

          A. Fairgrounds Events

          B. Fire Department Open House

12. Minutes Approval

13. Committees

          A. Tree Commission

                    1. 14 Cozine Tree Application

          B. Climate Smart Task Force

          C. Comprehensive Plan

14. Personnel

A. Vacation Buyout Request for Employee # 22

15. Adjourn


                     Correspondence & Reports: all on file in the Clerk’s office



Request for Sealed Bids


Village Hall Closed