Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, December 13th, 2022

6:00 PM

All meeting related documents can be found here:


1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Presentations

A. Red Hook Town Supervisor Robert McKeon-Spectrum Agreement

          1. Spectrum Agreement Resolution

B. Congratulate New Fire Dept Elected Officers

C. David Ashen-Senior Housing

3. Public Comment

4. Treasurer’s Report

5. Resolutions

          A. Americans with Disabilities Act Notice

          B. Filming Application

6. Current Projects (updates if applicable)

          A. Water Plant Upgrade

          B. Center St

          C. Village Hall Sidewalk

          D. 6 Mulberry St

          E. Historic District

7. Pending Projects

          A. Astor Bridge

          B. Emergency Antenna

          C. SoHo Water

          D. Village Hall Flex Tech Design Proposal

          E. Compost

          F. Rt. 9 Corridor and Landsman Kill Bridge

8. Grants

A. Thomas Thompson Trust Grant for ASC

9. Purchase Requests

          A. Watchguard Trade Up

          B. System Distribution Pump

10. Special Requests

          A. Taste of Rhinebeck

11. Minutes Approval- 11/8/22

12. Committees

          A. Tree Commission

          B. Climate Smart Task Force

          C. Comprehensive Plan

13. Personnel

          A. Vacation Buyout Requests

                    1. Employee # 5 – 48 hours         

14. Adjourn


                     Correspondence: all on file in the Clerk’s office


Potential Inclement Weather


Request for Sealed Bids