Water & Sewer Online Payments

The Village of Rhinebeck has a new billing system, Muni-Link, for Water & Sewer services and the option for online payments has been updated.

In order to make online payments, the system requires customers to register for the customer portal, in which you need the full account number and Muni-Link unique customer ID number (CID). You can find this number on your first bill out of Muni-Link which you will receive in January 2023.

Customers can also check out with the QuickPay option, as long as you have your account number.

You can visit the Water & Sewer pages on our website to access the customer portal, or click here. You can also sign up through the portal to have your bills emailed to you.


Read-outs from Comprehensive Plan Community Sessions in October


Holiday Tree Lighting Sensory Safe Space 11/19