Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

6:00 PM

All meeting related documents can be found here:

1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Public Comment

3. Appreciation for Winners of NRI Call for Photos

4. Rezoning Request for 6 Mulberry St Presentation

5. GPI Presentation on Grasmere Watermain Update

6. Delaware Engineering Water Plant Upgrade

7. Outdoor Dining on Public Sidewalks

          A. Sidewalk Dining Resolution 2022

          B. Permit Application & Rules 2022

8. Compost Feasibility Facility Study

9. Fairgrounds Liquor License

10. Open Sealed Bids for 2010 GMC Truck

11. Request Sealed Bids for 1999 Ford F250 Truck

12. MVP Insurance Renewal

13. Tree Removal Requests

          A. 40 Chestnut

14. Special Requests

          A. Wyncote Family Films

15. Minutes Approval- 4/12/22, 5/10/22, 6/8/22

16. Treasurer’s Report

17. Department Reports  

          A. Police

          B. Building/Planning/Zoning

          C. Highway Department

          D. Water Department

          E. Wastewater Department  

          F. Environmental  

18. Committees

          A. Tree Commission

19. Adjourn

          Correspondence: all on file in the Clerk’s office


Comprehensive Plan Meeting Agenda


Yard & Lawn Maintenance