Comprehensive Plan Meeting Agenda

Location:        CO., 6571 Spring Brook Avenue, Rhinebeck

Date:              June 16, 2022

Start Time:      7 – 9 PM


The purpose of this meeting is to formally initiate an update to the Village of Rhinebeck Comprehensive Plan. Today’s meeting will include a presentation by the consulting team of Tighe & Bond and Four Corners Planning LLC; discussion of communication/coordination with committees and the consultant; and reports by comprehensive plan subcommittees.


1.    Approval of Minutes (10 min.)

a.     January 20, 2022

b.    February 17, 2022

c.    March 24, 2022

d.    April 21, 2022

e.    May 19, 2022

2.    Presentation by Tighe & Bond/Four Corners Planning LLC and Discussion (40 min.)

a.    Introduction to Project Team

b.    Planning Process/Plan Content

c.    Timeline

d.    Consultant Role

e.    Committee Coordination

f.     Public Outreach/Engagement Strategy

i.     Survey

ii.    Other Tools

3.    Communication/Coordination (20 min.)

a.    Folder Structure

b.    Committee Handbook

c.    Meeting Schedule

i. Publicizing/Notices

4.    Subcommittee Reports (40 min.)

5.    Adjourn


Planning Board Agenda: Virtual Meeting 6/21/22


Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda