Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, May 11th, 2021

6:00 PM

This meeting will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams. To access the meeting, please contact the Village Clerk at: or click on the link here:

Written comments may be submitted ahead of time to:

 All meeting related documents can be found here:


1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Public Comment

3. Marist College Landsman Kill Presentation

4. Police Reform Chair

5. Ambulance Discussion

6. Outdoor Dining Update

          A. Bicycle Discussion

          B. Village Pizza

7. Emergency Back Up Agreement with Camo

8. Social Media Policy

9. Fairgrounds Vehicle Traffic Restrictions

10. Special Request

          A. Foster’s Outdoor Music

          B. Beekman Arm’s Outdoor Music

          C. Table for Voter Registration

11. Minutes Approval- 4/6/21, 4/13/21

12. Additional Board Meetings (4th Tuesday)

          A. Overtime Required

13. Treasurer’s Report

14. Department Reports  

          A. Police

          B. Building/Planning/Zoning

          C. Highway Department

          D. Water Department

          E. Wastewater Department 

          F. Environmental

 15. Committee Reports   

          A. Tree Committee

16. Personnel

17. Other Business

A. CDAC Appointment

B. Opening Village Hall

18. Executive Session

19. Adjourn

           Correspondence: all on file in the Clerk’s office

Martina McClinton
Village Clerk


Planning Board Public Hearing Notice


No Parking & Road Closure Friday May 7, 2021