Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, September 14th, 2021

6:00 PM

This meeting will be held in person at the Village Hall: 76 East Market St Rhinebeck NY.

Masks required for all attendees.

All meeting related documents can be found here:


1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Retirement Acknowledgement for Officer Landers and Officer Reavy

3. County Update from Brennan Kearney

4. Update on 6 Mulberry St from Maish Freedman & David Ruff

5. Budget Closeout for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 from Village Treasurer

6. Marijuana Discussion Update

7. ARP Funding Request

          A. Non for Profits

          B. Electronic Billboard  

8. Small Wireless Facilities

9. EA Filter Valves Purchase

10. Chimney Repair

11. Village Board In Person Meetings

12. Tree Removal Request

13. Vacation Buyout Request for Employee # 6

14. Special Request

          A. Music on Market St

15. Minutes Approval- 8/10/21,8/24/21

16. Treasurer’s Report

17. Department Reports  

          A. Police

          B. Building/Planning/Zoning

          C. Highway Department

          D. Water Department

          E. Wastewater Department  

          F. Environmental            

18. Committee Reports   

          A. Tree Committee

19. Personnel

          A. Anniversaries

                    1. Chief Water Plant Officer Bryan Alix- 8 years

                    2. Highway Working Supervisor Scott Minn- 26 years

20. Executive Session

21. Adjourn


          Correspondence: all on file in the Clerk’s office


Patriot Day 2021


Marijuana Survey Results