Updated Pricing and Policy for Mulch & Compost Sales

What do we do with the yard trimmings and leaves you see piled by the curbs? We recycle it into mulch! As our Village Compost pilot is nearing a close, we also have some excess finished compost.

At the October 11 Board Meeting, the Village Board voted to update our policy and pricing for the sale of our mulch and compost, while supplies last. Due to increased costs associated with creating mulch, we decided to increase the price. For simplicity’s sake, we will price compost the same.

  • These bulk materials are for sale during non-winter months for $40/yard.

  • Free delivery to Village residents.

  • $50 delivery fee within the Town of Rhinebeck, and $60 delivery fee for outside of the Village/Town.

  • Deliveries outside of the Town of Rhinebeck shall not exceed a maximum distance of 25 miles one-way.

  • Commercial client pick-up is allowed at a rate of $40/yard with a $150 loading fee.

Order and pay by contacting the Deputy Clerk, Krissy cdenu@villageofrhinebeckny.gov.


Special Board of Trustees Meeting


Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing