Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

Tuesday June 11th, 2024

6:00 PM

All meeting related documents can be found here:

1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Public Comment

3. Treasurer’s Report

4. Purchase Request

          A. Sound System Purchase

5. Resolutions

A. Task Order #40 Lion’s Mini Park Wetland Drainage

B. CCA Advisory Committee

C. Pedestrian Bridge Railings Resolution

D. Surplus & Scrap Water Dept Pick Up Truck & Trailer

6. Special Requests

A. Filming Request

B. Juneteenth Display Request

7. Minutes Approval

8. Committees

          A. Tree Commission

1. Tree Removal Requests

          B. Climate Smart Task Force

          C. Comprehensive Plan Committee

9. Personnel

          A. Vacation Buyout

                   1. Employee #13 – 70 hours

2. Employee #21 – 160 hours

          B. Anniversaries

                   1. Treasurer Karen McLaughlin – 9 years

                   2. Water Plant Operator Tony Fata – 23 years

                   3. Highway MEO Tom Johnson – 23 years

10. Adjourn


          Correspondence: all on file in the Clerk’s office




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