Calendar: Upcoming Meetings, Events & Court Dates

On the Calendar, you’ll find upcoming events such as: Village Board of Trustee Meetings, Planning Board Meetings, Zoning Board of Appeals Meetings, Special Meetings and Public Hearings, Village Elections, and other Village related events.

Click into an event on to get details, such as web-conferencing instructions. If you’re looking for recordings of past events, those are posted in the Announcements & Public Notices. Check on the specific Board or Department’s page, where we highlight relevant documents and news.

List View of Meetings, Events & Court Dates

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Filtering by: “Climate & Environment”


Climate Comprehensive Review Presentation

In summer 2020, the Town and Village received a grant from The New World Foundation for the Joint Environmental Committee to engage David Chernack, a Bard CEP graduate student, for a 6-month paid internship. David was tasked with researching the Rhinebeck Comprehensive Plan (2009), Village Master Plan (1993), and other Rhinebeck policies that relate to the climate and environment.

David will be hosting a virtual Joint Village/Town Online Special Meeting December 17, at 7pm.

Join the conversation to understand what we’ve done and what we should focus on moving forward.

December 17, 7pm


Meeting ID: 945 5680 9733

Passcode: 276657

Take this pre-session survey by December 13th:

Visit the dedicated webpage for this project for more information:

Trustee Vanessa Bertozzi, Environmental Specialist

Flyer_ Climate Comp Review.png

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